Please send your work attached as a document to with this subject heading:

Last Name – Genre – Title

Columns: For essays, interviews, or special interest stories to be considered for one of our columns—D&O Q&A, Essay EtcThe Bubble Burst, Remembrances of Things Past—please send a query. Pieces can range from 2,000-7,500 words.

Fiction: Stories range from 1,500-7,000 words. While we are a “working-class magazine,” and thus looking for stories which thematically tie to that subject, work of a post-modern bent is also very appreciated. We do not publish flash fiction.

Review: While we will consider any review, we do have a preference toward smaller, independent literary publishers. Reviews can run between 750-3,000 words.

We do accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us if your work is accepted elsewhere.

We do not accept multiple submissions and the work must be unpublished.

All rights revert back to the author after publication.